Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The process of getting fucked over. It was having a hard time opening up to them since you didn’t want to get hurt. It was trusting them since they proved to you that they would never do such a thing. It was believing them when they said that they would always have your back, but they ended up stabbing it instead. It was realizing that you didn’t mean as much to them when they meant absolutely everything to you. It was convincing yourself that they made a mistake and they were truly sorry, but they didn’t mean it at all since they made the same mistake again. It was knowing the whole entire time that they would hurt you, but you took the risk anyway because you thought they were worth it. It was drowning in your own tears since the person that would wipe them away is the one that let you down. It was gaining up the courage to finally move on, but history repeated itself for no reason. Where do I go from here?