Monday, February 7, 2011

The greatest irony of life is loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right and finding out you love someone after that person walks out from your life and sometimes you think you’re already over a person but when you see them smile at you, you’ll suddenly realize that you’re just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again. For some, they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much you love the person. Most relationships tend to fail not because the absence of love; love is always present. It’s just the one was being loved too much and the other was being loved too little as we all know that the heart is the center of the body but it beats on the left. Maybe that’s the reason why the heart is not always right. Most often we fall in love with the person we think we love only to discover that for them, we are just for past times, while the one who truly loves us remains either a friend or a stranger. Here’s a piece of advice: let go when you’re hurting too much, give up when love isn’t enough and move on when things are not like before. There is someone out there who will love you even more, surely then, you will know true love.

In order to move forward you must open yourself to new experiences. There is no failing, only results. Be courageous and push yourself to new heights. Besides, what is going to happen if you make a bad decision? - You will learn from it. The more results you make, the faster you will reach your destination.


Sometimes I think the human heart is just a simple shelf. There’s only so much you can pile onto it before something falls off an edge and you are left to pick up the pieces.


Loss is a huge part of life and we don’t really know how much we care for someone until we realise that they may be gone one day, and when they do, we feel as though we lost everything as they walked away. We feel like we’ll never really care about anything again, but we do and we discover that loss was a gift that helped us appreciate all of the things that we still have. 



Month One.

Hi Mommy!
I am only 3/4 of an inch long,
But I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it,
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
Is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two.

Today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
You could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I’m not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three.

You know what Mommy,
I’m a boy!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don’t like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too,
And I cry with you even though
You can’t hear me.

Month Four.

My hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
But I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
And stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.

Month Five.

You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I’m not a baby.
I am a baby, Mommy, your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what’s abortion?

Month Six.

I can hear that doctor again.
I don’t like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can’t get away from it!
Mommy! Help me!

Month Seven.

I am okay.
I am in Jesus’s arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn’t you want me, Mommy?

Every abortion is just…

One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.