He’s the king of mixed signals and I’m the queen of second thoughts.
What’s done is done. The past is unchangeable, so just move on and fix your mistakes along the way.
Behind every stupid dick face player guy is pain from a girl who hurt him. Behind every untrusting girl is a dickface that made her that way.Love isn’t what your friends or family think; it’s what you think. Love isn’t anyone else’s problem but the people’s in love. Love isn’t based upon sex. Love is based upon two people who are exactly alike. Who needs money or cars when you have love? A relationship isn’t perfect; it has its good times and its bad times, and when you argue, you make up no matter how bad it is. Cheating is forgivable, but if you love the person like you say you do, there is no reason to cheat because they are the only person you need. Love is forever even if you break up; if you loved the person when you break up, you still will. Love isn’t about age; age is just a number. It’s about how you treat each other, not how old they are. Love hurts and sometimes relationships don’t work out and you will cry, but you will find true love one day. You’ll never know when love is going to hit you, and when it hits you, it will hit hard. Once it hits, it’s hard to get back up again. Love hurts, but it’s worth the pain.

You may pretend it never happened. But remember, at one point in your life, that was what you wanted the most. It may not have worked out the way you planned it to, but never forget that it has once made you feel that you were the happiestperson on earth.
One day you’re going to wake up and realize how much you care for her. When that day comes, she’ll be waking up next to the guy that already knew
Money can’t buy LOVE, that’s why people steal HEARTS.
Give me my heart back, forget all of the pain. I’m so sick and tired of playing this game.
Her cheeks are fully stained with tears, but at least her head is still held up high.
There’s no limit to how long you can care for someone and no limit on how much. Especially when they have been such a huge part of your life for such a long time.
Problems are not stop signs; they’re guidelines.
To me: it doesn’t matter how I get there, as long as I get there. The destination will always be the same, the journey on the other hand is a whole different story.
Everyone wants to hear that it’s gonna be okay, that the pain will will go away. But truthfully, it won’t. It never does. You just get stronger everyday, but deep down, the pain is still there.
through the darkness of the world, when the lights were fading, and the dreams were dying, you walked in and colored my heart.
I believe one of the toughest situations you can be ever faced with is deciding whether you should just move on or hold on a little tighter. Move on, and maybe you’ll lose a chance at the best thing that could have ever happened, or hold on and have the possibility of your heart being broken.