Katie Piper

I think all girls should read this.
This is Katie Piper, a model. MY IDOL. She’s 25 now, and in 2008. she started dating Daniel Lynch. After two weeks, Lynch started becoming abusive. He rang her one day, telling her to wait outside her house for him, where a man approached her holding out a cup. Thinking he was begging for money, she reached into her purse, where he then threw acid over her, at Lynches request.
It makes me feel bad. I always sit here complaining about how my hair wont go right, how I dont have anything to wear. Imagine being a model, being the type of girl that when you entered a room, you instantly got everybodys attention? And then having it taken away from you. Left with burn scars all over your face and chest, having difficulty to breathe and having to to be fed through a tube. Imagine having to wear a mask for 23 hours a day. Imagine being too scared to open the door or better yet, go through it. Staying in your house everyday. Imagine that.
Why cant girls just be happy with how they look? No, you might not have big, breathtaking eyes, or perfect skin. Your nose might not be exactly how you want it, you may not be as thin as you want or as tall/short as you want. But you’re beautiful regardless. Right now, people like Katie are getting through their days one at a time. She cant model anymore and her self esteem has been ruined, but for a reason. Why dont you have self esteem? Because you saw a prettier girl. Think about it.