Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Class - Journal #6

You know what I spent my entire last night doing up to 5 AM? Pursuit of happiness work. When I go to school, I'm in a group of four people - so guess what? I'M THE ONE WORKING MY ASS OFF, while everyone's laughing and having a good time. This guy's like "Why are you so quiet?"
Are you high or just retarded? And this girl is like laughing and telling jokes and hitting me on my back. Like ok, no you're not funny... like at all. Chill on the KFC. Only person that tried helping? Brianna. I hate being put in a group of people who don't do shit. And it's not even like its the first time - way too many times now... the best part was they didn't even bother to say thank you or anything. 

Next thing that pissed me off.
Okay, you have the flu and you're legit using all the tissue boxes at school. Killing like half of the tress in the world. WHY DO YOU BOTHER COMING TO SCHOOL. Keep you're disease infested ass at home. Now I'm starting to get sick yay. On top of that, you're so obnoxious when you blow your nose, like there are people around you, you know. It's so disgusting.  

= Bad day.

Quote of the day:
"Why does she always wear a scarf"
"Is she like, transvestite?"
Or he..

Wishlist #1

Life is unfair

Life is unfair. You put someone first who puts you second. You study your ass off for a final only to get a B in the class when you deserved an A. You give 110% to someone in a relationship when they only give 40%. You’re there for your best friend at 3 a.m. when they need it the most & the next day they don’t pick up their phone. You give something your all & sometimes get little to nothing back. You care so much about someone who doesn’t care enough about you to say hi once in a while. You give someone your time & they give you “sorry, I’m busy”. It seems like you’re giving everyone everything & they’re just walking away with it.

Tiananmen Square

At some point you will realize...

At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone or something, that the only next possible step to do is to stop. leave them alone. walk away. it’s not like you’re giving up, and it’s not like you shouldn’t try. it’s just that you have to draw the line of determination from desperation. what is truly yours would eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be.

Single is not a status.

It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.
I wanna run away to no where
anywhere, but here.


Athazagoraphobia - Feart of being forgotten or ignored.

I don't want a serious relationship...

I seen him today - Journal #5


9/11 - The falling man...

    One of the most haunting images captured from 9/11, it shows a man free-falling after he has jumped from one of the windows of North Tower. He was one of the people they call “Jumpers”, who chose to jump to their death rather than get suffocated by the smoke or get buried under the rubble. Some called them cowards, while some sensationalized them as tragic symbols of 9/11. But the fact of the matter is, it was a hard choice for anyone to make, and one can not really judge the decisions a person makes in times like these.

    People, you rant so much about how you have a hard time making choices. Whether you should work on your assignment or go out with your friends. Whether you should date this guy or that guy. Whether you should break up with your boyfriend or not. Whether you should wear the pink blouse or the baby blue one. Imagine the choice this man had to make.

She says

"move the fuck on." But it's not that easy. The only reason you can say that is because you're heartless and throw boys away like they're a piece of candy wrapper.

Squrriel Glove

This is a Stegosaurus Pill

within moments of swallowing this pill; your consciousness will be transmitted into the mind of an actual stegosaurus that lived 150 million years ago. You will immediately understand the emotions, desires, and memories of that stegosaurus and for up to 10 minutes you will have complete sensory transferral. Upon returning to your own body, the experience will seem like a dream and you will rapidly forget the sensations but will always know that it was real.

nigga is u dumb dat is a TIC TAC



You know what? Yes I have changed. I’m not as nice as I used to be, because I don’t want to get used or walked over, I don’t trust everyone and tell them my secrets, because behind every fake smile is a backstabbing bitch. I distance myself from people because in the end, they’re only going to leave. I have changed because I have realized that im the only person I can depend on.

Our society = Corrupt.

An old woman is on the floor with a bag next to her. She asks the passing school girls for any amount of cash, but the girl refuses with a middle finger. Her friends clearly don’t notice the situation, let alone care about it. The helpless woman just looks at her in desperate pain and shock as the little girl just smirks at her.
This picture breaks my heart. The senile woman is on the floor in beautiful, cultural garments, but asks for a mere donation. The girl in modern school clothing gives her a thoughtless and ignorant “fuck you.”
I don’t know where this picture was taken, but it depicts what our future has become: children disrespecting elders like they were vermin killed flat on the road. I’ve seen this here in California. Little kids on their cell phones undermining what their parents have to say, little kids cussing like there’s no tomorrow, little kids worrying about their looks rather than their family. It’s everywhere; culture and respect are both dying. It’s because of the influences that these kids can easily access: media, drugs, adultery. Our world is losing grasp of the future, and we can only watch as the next generation become total monsters.

Animal Torture

Its hair was so matted and overgrown, the poodle had to be sedated just to be groomed. Veterinarians found live and dead cockroaches snared in the 2.5 pounds of fur they cut from the dog.

The dog’s condition was so unbelievable that Tracy Lapeyrouse named him Ripley.

The 2-year-old poodle was found Oct. 19 in a ditch in LaPlace, La., with no identification. He was taken to Lapeyrouse, who runs My Heart’s Desire animal shelter in Houma, La., about 60 miles from New Orleans.

“He didn’t know he had ears. When his ears would touch his skin, he would shake his head,” Lapeyrouse said in a telephone interview from Louisiana.

“It took a week before he could walk normally.”

The dog was skinny but not malnourished, and no one could figure out how he ate because his mouth was blocked by overgrown hair. He has packed on a half pound since his rescue and now weighs 5.5 pounds.

Sores hidden beneath the fur healed once they were exposed to the air.

“Now he’s a social butterfly,” Lapeyrouse said. “We have to go slow, but he wags his nub of a tail and is seeking interaction with people.”

Several people have filled out adoption papers. Ripley Entertainment Inc., parent of the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! brand in Orlando, Fla., will offer the new owners a gift card for future grooming and other expenses. It also donated $400 to the shelter and plans to feature the former fur ball in its next book.

“His life will be very public,” Tim O’Brien, Ripley’s vice president of communications, told AOL News. “It will be a big deal when he’s adopted. I hope his new owners understand they’ll have to share him with the world.”

No one likes you...

I like me.

No one likes you...

I like me.

                                             There's no smart guy's these days..
                      For every guy who think they're the shit 'cause they geeve hard.


Don’t ever let somebody tell you…you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream..you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves..they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something go get it. Period.
-  Pursuit of Happiness <3

Watching it right now for English assignment.

I miss Julia Aushana and John Cruz - Journal #4

  • John throwing his frig'n butcher knife at the tree and it bouncing back right at him LOL
  • DILLON, the gigantic pizza table .. thing. 
  • Jamming
  • Turtle video LMAO "Ah, Ah, AHHHHHHHH."
  • She looks like an orange..
  • "Two seconds 
  • When we didn't see each other all summer and finally did = Jumped each other. <3

Monday, November 29, 2010

I hate when - Journal #3

When I think a guy is cute, and my friends are like ew LOL like eff-you guys. </3
His name is Eggron.. well thats now how you spell it but yeah = turn off.
Brianna: SAY MY NAME! EGGGron
Cristian: Dr. Egg Man LOLLLLLL
Okay, like best day of my life. Finally saw my best friend of like 10 years on Novemeber 27, 2010.
Chilled at Coffee Time, our chill place. 'Cause we are re that fat. And she bought pads, and she was like
"I don't need a plastic bag," to the cashier. LOL, yeah 'cause you're going to walk around with a box of pads.
7 months = 828383 girls years.
We didn't get to see each other since April. Got into some stuff with stealing.
Regret it so much... actually I'm kind of glad it happened. You either learns from you're mistakes or avoid it. 

Abigail Lucia 

I miss my girls - Journal #2

Saturday, November 20, 2010. Seen all my main girls: Julia, Merna, Brianna. Live night! I miss them though.
- Brenda's Jam

Basically, only thing I hate about high school..

Chips - Journal #1

Today, I threw a Jalapeno chip at a seagull, I look up... and there's legit 378922 seagulls coming to attack me and my best friend Brianna. 
I will tell my grand children of this story.